Booklets, EDDM mailings, Restaurant menus.

Every Door Direct Mail® is a new way to think about marketing your business to every door in the neighborhood without the need for specific addresses or names. (EDDM®) is one of the most cost-effective ways for small businesses to advertise to their desired market. Rather than investing in a mailing list that may be expensive and out of date, EDDM® allows businesses to affordably connect with consumers in an area using data-driven tactics. Targeting the right demographics within a set geographic area means that the message reaches the most potential customers.

•Booklets are a handy way to share a lot of information with readers in a distinctive, manageable format that includes booklet stapling. Use it for playbills, school directories, product catalogs, instruction guides and more. Booklet marketing has proven to be one of the most effective advertising techniques today. Booklets allow you to deliver eye-catching, useful, targeted information to your customers in a way that professionally brands your company and generates sales.

•A restaurant’s menu is one of the most important internal advertising tools that can be used to educate a guest about the experience they are about to have. An instant snapshot of a restaurant and the one piece of advertising every guest will read, having an appealing, clean menu is essential to communicating your brand.